The overall objective of this project was to improve maritime safety outcomes around Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. This was to be enhanced by providing night time points of reference for artisanal fisherman and other sea users throughout the fishing grounds.
The objective was achieved by Infratel designing, manufacturing, shipping and erecting a 60m steel lattice tower to support a marine light beacon in Betio, South Tarawa. This was followed by the installation of four beacons across the islands. Due to the remoteness of the islands the tower was erected by the old fashioned ginpole method.
The contract also included the design, procure and install of an operational VHF repeater network extending from Maiana to Abaiang atolls and covering Tarawa atoll. The network is to provide VHF communications capability in the most frequented fishing areas to the south of Tarawa atoll and provide suitable equipment for the Marine Guard. There was also a UHF backhaul requirement. As these islands are remote, solar systems were designed and installed to provide the power for the lights and VHF network.
Infratel had a team on the ground in Kiribati by mid march 2015 to start the civil foundation works. Infratel imported all builders mix, cement etc and even a digger and concrete truck to mix the concrete. Considering the conditions that had to be overcome the project ran smoothly. The whole project was completed by the principals preferred date of the 01st July 2015.
This was an excellent result all round.
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